Yes. You can use Wi-Fi services of the hotel.
Yes. You can cancel your reservation within cancellation deadline.
Yes. We provide smoking rooms on request.
You can pay online for booking a room by using credit/debit card on the website of our hotel.
Yes we accept Visa cards along with MasterCard, AmericanExpress, Discover, Diners Club and Japan Credit Bureau.
Yes. You can check our online room booking service to avail certain discounts on different room types.
Yes. Infant beds are available in our hotel.
You can Check-in at 3 P.M. while Check-out at 11 A.M.
Yes. We provide laundry service with additional charges.
No. We only provide hot breakfast.
Hotel Breakfast timings are from 6.30 A.M. to 9.30 A.M.
Yes. We have elevators to all three floors of our hotel.
Yes, we have family rooms. To get more details, you can visit Rooms page on our website or talk to our 24 hour front help desk.
Our hotel is ADA accessible with wheelchair accessibility to all three floors, parking etc. We also have fully accessible bathrooms for our special guests.